for skin vitality

Invest in your skin, our range of 3 professional, high collagen supplements that deliver dramatic anti-ageing results.

for highest

hyaluronic acid + coenzyme q10

Rebuild the body’s own collagen and hyaluronic acid from the inside. Strengthen the connective tissue and reduce wrinkles and cellulite. Skin becomes more hydrated, elastic and homogenous.

Collagen is the most important structural protein of our connective tissue, our body consists of 15 – 20% collagen and organs and tissues are particularly rich including skin, bones, tendons, cartilage, arteries, veins, nails and hair, all depend on a vital supply of collagen hydrolysate. Studies how not only the positive and comprehensive effects on the muscoskeletal system, but also positive collagen dependant changes on the ageing process.

powerful anti-ageing vitamins & minerals

product highlights

Unique, highly effective nutrient compositions

Clinically proven benefits to skin health and anti ageing

All round anti-ageing for skin, hair, nails, eyes and body

Improve vitality, sports performance and joint pain relief

Build strong hair and stimulate nail growth

Improves cognitive function and focus

Protection for joints, muscle function and arthritis protection

Supporting and regenerating

success stories....

From glowing skin and shiny strong hair and nails, to feeling simply sharper, stronger and more flexible, customers from over the world report their incredible results.

After using Vita Pro Collagen® consistently for several months, I am absolutely thrilled with the results.

My skin has undergone a remarkable transformation. The fine lines around my eyes and mouth have noticeably diminished. My skin feels smoother, firmer, and has a healthy glow that, at 62, I thought was lost to the sands of time. Collagen has definitely improved the elasticity of my skin, and I feel like I have regained some of the youthful radiance I once had.

But the benefits don’t stop there. Collagen has also played a significant role in improving my joint health. As someone who enjoys staying active, I used to suffer from occasional joint discomfort, especially in my knees. However, since incorporating this supplement into my daily routine, I’ve experienced reduced joint pain and greater flexibility. This has allowed me to maintain my active lifestyle without constantly worrying about discomfort.

Jayne*, Coventry

*customer name changed – Vita pro Collagen

Read our customer reviews…

So many cumulative effects

A friend mentioned he was taking Vita collagen supplements to help with his hair loss but that he had encountered other benefits such as increased ...

Much tighter, firmer skin

'...After a couple of weeks I began feeling my skin tightening and feeling much firmer, this encouraged me to keep on taking my one day sachet ...

Helped with my psoriasis

I suffered from severe psoriasis on both forearms for over 20 years. All dermatological treatments have brought nothing (apart from undesirable side effects). I have ...

Improvement in rosacea

My wife has been taking Vita Collagen Complex for a month and her rosacea has improved in this short time.

Phenomenal results all round

"I have seen a phenomenal result in my skin, hair and nails, and has actually helped get me back to my love of running as ...

Phenomenal results

'I have seen a phenomenal result in my skin, hair and nails, and has actually helped get me back to my love of running as ...

Can now sleep through the night without pain

I am 74 years old and have had carpal tunnel syndrome for 2 years. Since I was in severe pain around the clock, despite a ...

A game changer for stronger, thicker hair

"Game changer! This is the only supplement that helped to strengthen my hair after an extended period of weakening and falling out"

My wife’s rosacea has improved

"My wife has been taking Vita Collagen Complex for a month and her rosacea has improved in this short time"

Teenage acne has cleared

My adolescent son suffered from extreme acne. It went so far that he no longer wanted to go to school. Corresponding drugs had too strong ...

Game changer!

This is the only supplement that helped to strengthen my hair after an extended period of weakening and falling out

effective ingredients

Saffron extract: the sunshine spice

Saffron is nicknamed the “sunshine spice”, that’s not just due to its distinct colour, but also because it can help brighten your mood.

Collagen, understanding the differences

It's essential to understand the differences between the primary sources of collagen: bovine chicken, and marine

Copper: healthy skin, hair and nails

Copper is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. While it's true that our bodies require only small amounts of ...


L-leucine is one of the essential amino acids, meaning that it cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained from dietary sources. It ...

Silicium: strength for bones, joints and skin

Silicium's role in connective tissues and bone health may support injury prevention and faster recovery. Contributes to the health of tendons and ligaments, which are ...

Manganese: the essential trace mineral

This unassuming element plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall health and well-being including bone health, antioxidant defence and metabolism support

Taurine: for brain function

Taurine plays a crucial role in brain development and function. It acts as a neurotransmitter and has been associated with improved memory, cognitive function, and ...

Grape seed extract: a powerful anti-inflammatory

Antioxidants that help protect cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals contributing to oxidative stress, which is linked to various chronic diseases and ageing.

Lycopene: a natural cartenoid

Lycopene's antioxidant properties are attributed to its ability to neutralise harmful free radicals in the body, which are unstable molecules that can cause cellular damage ...

Vitamin E

Vitamin E supplementation improves skin hydration and can reduce symptoms of certain skin conditions, such as eczema.

Collagen (UC11): benefits for joint health

UC11 collagen plays an essential role in the health of our joints, keeping them flexible, supple, and healthy, without it our joints can not function

Vitamin B12: the path to optimal health

Vitamin B12 benefits include increased energy level, improved cognitive function and cardiovascular health.

Coenzyme Q10: for skin structure

A naturally occurring antioxidant that plays a crucial role in the energy production within cells. While its primary role is related to cellular energy production, ...

Curcuma (turmeric) Root Extract

Turmeric root extract, derived from the Curcuma longa plant, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine due to its potential health benefits. The primary ...

Zinc: a crucial essential mineral

Zinc plays a role in various liver functions, including the metabolism of alcohol and detoxification processes. It is also involved in the synthesis of proteins ...

MethylSulfonylMethan: anti-ageing benefits and much more

In your quest for healthier skin, don't forget the power of MSM. It's a hidden gem in the world of skincare that can unlock the ...

Iron: for performance

Iron increases the body's ability to produce hemoglobin, enhancing oxygen transport to muscles and improving endurance.

Collagen hydrolyzate overview

Derived from collagen, a vital protein found in our skin, bones, tendons, and connective tissues, collagen hydrolyzate is produced through a process called hydrolysis, which ...

L-leucine for Muscle Growth

L-leucine cannot be synthesised by the body and must be obtained through the diet or supplements.

L-Carnitine: a crucial role in energy metabolism

L-Carnitine can be a valuable addition to your routine, especially if you're looking to enhance energy metabolism, increase endurance, support muscle recovery, manage weight, or ...

the products


Vita collagen complex plus

20 sachets@19g each

the age

Vita collagen complex®

30 sachets@14g each


Vita pro collagen®

90 capsules

Unlock optimum energy, anti-ageing, health and wellness with our Swiss quality health products.

From nutrition tips to mindfulness practices, fitness routines to mental well-being strategies, we explore the pathways to a life filled with vitality. 

Explore the powerful components that play a pivotal role in supporting your overall well-being.

Unlock optimum energy, anti-ageing, health and wellness with our Swiss quality health products