for happy

What is body fat?

What is body fat?

Ever wondered what body fat actually is? Why it accumulates in your body and how it gets there?
10 ways to tell if your liver needs a rest

10 ways to tell if your liver needs a rest

Caring for your liver is crucial for maintaining overall health, as the liver plays a vital role in detoxifying the…
How a sluggish liver creates weight gain

How a sluggish liver creates weight gain

A sluggish liver, often referred to as liver dysfunction or reduced liver function, can contribute to weight gain through several…
Reduce tiredness and re-energise: understanding the role of your liver

Reduce tiredness and re-energise: understanding the role of your liver

In the modern world our liver can become overloaded by stress, poor diet, processed foods, medications and environmental toxins that…
5 tips for men to help maintain a calm and happy mind

5 tips for men to help maintain a calm and happy mind

Men often face unique challenges and expectations, an ability to remain calm against this pressures helps to reduce stress, anxiety,…
Make time for healthy habits

Make time for healthy habits

Making time for healthy habits is a conscious choice that can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life. By prioritising…
Strengthening weak and brittle hair from the inside

Strengthening weak and brittle hair from the inside

Collagen is a protein with a pivotal role in maintaining the strength and health of hair, promoting hair growth, reducing…
Fueling  your day: eating for energy

Fueling your day: eating for energy

Eat for energy by making mindful dietary choices that support vitality and stamina.
The crucial connection between focus and wellbeing for men

The crucial connection between focus and wellbeing for men

In a fast-paced world, the importance of maintaining focus and overall wellbeing cannot be overstated, especially for men who often…
Kombucha, a daily healthy habit

Kombucha, a daily healthy habit

Kombucha is a fermented tea beverage that has gained popularity due to its potential health benefits.
Fighting against physical and mental fatigue

Fighting against physical and mental fatigue

Fighting physical and mental fatigue requires a holistic approach that addresses both the body and mind. Here are some lifestyle…
Important anti-ageing tips for men

Important anti-ageing tips for men

While aging is a natural process that cannot be entirely reversed, there are certain supplements that may support overall health…
Keep your joints happy and keep on running 

Keep your joints happy and keep on running 

As we age or experience certain conditions, the production of collagen in our bodies can decline, leading to joint discomfort…
Create healthy habits for confidence and self-care, be happy in your own body.

Create healthy habits for confidence and self-care, be happy in your own body.

Developing healthy habits is essential for nurturing both confidence and self-care. By incorporating positive practices into your daily routine, you…
The key benefits of curcuma root extract for women's health

The key benefits of curcuma root extract for women's health

A key ingredient for women's health, an extract from the turmeric plant’s stem which aids in the management of inflammatory…
The holiday pre-tox, tips to reduce bloat, boost skin and feel your best for the beach

The holiday pre-tox, tips to reduce bloat, boost skin and feel your best for the beach

Holiday pre-tox is preparing the body for an excess of some sort, reduce bloating and boost your skin
Live your best life with energy, performance and focus for women

Live your best life with energy, performance and focus for women

Tired of feeling tired? Improve your energy, focus your performance and zest for life with the aid of professional Swiss…
Time to pause and re-set for increased productivity

Time to pause and re-set for increased productivity

We can find it hard to unwind because of the mind clatter of unfinished work but often the most productive…
How to strengthen weak, brittle hair and reduce hair loss

How to strengthen weak, brittle hair and reduce hair loss

Our hair is the crowning glory of our looks and our confidence is lowered when it is not in tip…
Increase fat metabolism, reduce cravings and lose weight

Increase fat metabolism, reduce cravings and lose weight

Increase fat metabolism, help weight loss and reduce sugary cravings, aid for a toxic liver with Amaraxanthin DTX
Glycine: improved sleep and cognitive function

Glycine: improved sleep and cognitive function

Promotes skin elasticity, joint health and a calming effect on the nervous system, aiding in improved sleep and stress reduction.
Molybdenum: detoxification and metabolism

Molybdenum: detoxification and metabolism

often overlooked and plays a crucial role in various metabolic processes within the human body, in detoxification, nitrogen metabolism, energy…
Retinol (vitamin A): immune system support

Retinol (vitamin A): immune system support

Improves vision and reduces the risk of night blindness etc and plays a crucial role in boosting the immune system…
Milk thistle: the ultimate liver remedy

Milk thistle: the ultimate liver remedy

Studies show that milk thistle may improve liver function by keeping toxic substances from binding to liver cells
Grape seed extract: a powerful anti-inflammatory

Grape seed extract: a powerful anti-inflammatory

Antioxidants that help protect cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals contributing to oxidative stress, which is linked to…
Collagen (UC11): benefits for joint health

Collagen (UC11): benefits for joint health

UC11 collagen plays an essential role in the health of our joints, keeping them flexible, supple, and healthy, without it…
Krill Oil

Krill Oil

Krill oil For brain (memory), nerves, eyes and the cardiovascular system
Taurine: for brain function

Taurine: for brain function

Taurine plays a crucial role in brain development and function. It acts as a neurotransmitter and has been associated with…
Collagen hydrolyzate overview

Collagen hydrolyzate overview

Derived from collagen, a vital protein found in our skin, bones, tendons, and connective tissues, collagen hydrolyzate is produced through…
Astaxanthin: for Stamina, Exercise and Recovery

Astaxanthin: for Stamina, Exercise and Recovery

astaxanthin possesses exceptional antioxidant properties and has gained significant attention for its numerous health benefits.

Unlock optimum energy, anti-ageing, health and wellness with our Swiss quality health products.

From nutrition tips to mindfulness practices, fitness routines to mental well-being strategies, we explore the pathways to a life filled with vitality. 

Explore the powerful components that play a pivotal role in supporting your overall well-being.

Unlock optimum energy, anti-ageing, health and wellness with our Swiss quality health products