
After a couple of weeks I began feeling my skin tightening and feeling much firmer , this encouraged me to keep on taking my one day sachet drink, and I’m glad I did. My wrinkles are noticeably reduced and my skin feels so much more energetic. It truly does feel like a concentred product with mainly the core ingredients the product needs.
My wife has been taking Vita Collagen Complex for a month and her rosacea has improved in this short time.
“I have seen a phenomenal result in my skin, hair and nails, and has actually helped get me back to my love of running as my knees and hips no longer ache, my recovery post-exercise is so much quicker”
“Game changer! This is the only supplement that helped to strengthen my hair after an extended period of weakening and falling out”
“My wife has been taking Vita Collagen Complex for a month and her rosacea has improved in this short time”
A friend mentioned he was taking Vita collagen supplements to help with his hair loss but that he had encountered other benefits such as increased energy and better skin, he had been surprised by the results and I could actually see them so I didn’t take much persuading to try them for myself. It wasn’t long before I saw results, my skin started to look healthy, and my hair stronger than it’s ever been! What’s more I have energy and I am looking forward to seeing more cumulative effects, it really has been a game changer and I will certainly continue to take them as part of my daily health and fitness regime.
My adolescent son suffered from extreme acne. It went so far that he no longer wanted to go to school. Corresponding drugs had too strong side effects. We were desperate. Thanks to Vita Pro Collagen , his acne almost completely disappeared after just 5 weeks.
I am 74 years old and have had carpal tunnel syndrome for 2 years. Since I was in severe pain around the clock, despite a cuff, my doctor advised me to have an operation. Experience has shown that operations at my age are not without problems. My physio told me about Vita Pro Collagen capsules from Switzerland, which I have been taking regularly for 6 weeks – with great success. I am no longer in pain and can sleep through the night again. Even my doctor thinks that no more surgery is necessary at the moment. The Vita Collagen capsules are now an integral part of my monthly shopping list.
I suffered from severe psoriasis on both forearms for over 20 years. All dermatological treatments have brought nothing (apart from undesirable side effects). I have been taking Vita Pro Collagen capsules for 7 weeks now and the symptoms such as biting, itching etc. have disappeared and the complexion is almost normal again
‘this product literally changed my life, thank you’
‘Because of a disc herniation between L4 and L5 and an osteoarthritis of the wrist, I haven’t been able to play tennis for 2 years. I have been taking Vita chondroCurma plus drinks for 6 weeks and the pain in my wrist has completely disappeared. The back pain is also almost gone. In any case, I can play with my training colleagues again and I am convinced that the inflammation and back pain will completely go away in the next few weeks. For this regained quality of life, I am very happy to sacrifice £5 per day’
‘I am a competitive athlete (marathon) and I think I have exhausted my training and diet. Now 6 weeks ago my sports doctor recommended Vita chondroCurma Plus drink and Vita chondroCurma capsules as a dietary supplement. He also takes this drink and capsules himself in order to be able to maintain concentration during long operations. Since these 6 weeks I have been taking drinks and capsules alternately and regularly and feel that I get into the anaerobic area much later (also during training) and that this improves my running times. Thank goodness both products are on the Cologne list’
‘For years I had severe osteoarthritis pain in my wrists and right knee. Since I have been taking Vita ChondroCurma plus, which was highly recommended to me by a friend, the pain has gradually disappeared. I am very enthusiastic and as an orthopaedist I would not have thought this possible’
‘I would recommend this product to anyone who would like to have a better quality of life, it has been worth every penny to get my life back ‘
“I had tendinitis in my elbow from a sports injury that has completely gone after using the capsules for 4 weeks”
‘Such a great supplement to improve my joint pain. After two weeks of regular taking I can already feel the difference.’
“I stopped taking these tablets for a few months when I ran out & my knee started giving me problems again, I noticed an improvement in the knee after only a week of taking, I will not stop taking them again”
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“improvements in my efficiency within a short space of time, will definitely continue’
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“I definitely feel like I have got my zest for life back”
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“so much more energy, I actually have the energy to go to the gym after work””
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“This has become my secret weapon for tackling long work hours, staying focused during workouts, and still having the energy to enjoy my evenings. It’s like a switch has been flipped and I’m performing at my best every day. I can confidently say that this product has exceeded my expectations”
“After feeling sluggish for a while and over indulging due to lockdown, I really needed a detox. Since taking this product I have felt more motivation and more energetic. I would recommend to anyone wanting a detox before the festivities”
“I know I am taking something important for my health now and for the future, worth every penny for peace of mind”
“Already feeling a lot more refreshed in the mornings after taking these as your liver is very important for a restful, re-charging sleep”
“Taking this for a fatty liver, there are no side effects, no horrible taste and my bowels are working better now than they have for a long time”
” I wholeheartedly recommend this energy supplement to any women out there who are looking for a reliable and effective way to boost their energy!”
“As a busy professional and a mum I often found myself struggling to keep up with all my responsibilities. Since I started taking this supplement i’ve experienced an increase in my energy levels. I don’t seem to hit that midday slump, and I have the energy to tackle my workouts and daily tasks – sometimes with enthusiasm!”
“extends beyond just boosting mental performance. It’s evident that Swiss Health Care understand the importance of overall well-being, as I’ve noticed a positive impact on my mood and stress levels”
“beyond the energising effects, this supplement has had an impact on my overall well-being. I find myself better equipped to tackle the challenges of a demanding day, both mentally and physically. It’s a secret weapon that empowers me to juggle my responsibilities while still nurturing myself”
“I wish I had started taking Omexanthin® sooner, the benefits have been incredible in such a relatively short time”
“so much more than a multi-vitamin, I feel so much more confident that I am I am investing in a quality supplement to protect my future health, memory and eyesight”
“this is by far the best supplement I have taken for my problem skin”
“I am pleased with the results so far and will definitely continue’
“I find that this is great when I have had a long day working on computer and my arms, neck and shoulders have stiffened”
“very effective, quick, pain relief, I like that it cools first and then heats up”
“works well for me when I get pain in my calf after a long run”
“I wouldn’t be without a tube of Pro-Flex in my bag, it has made it possible for me to get back to my walking group”
‘I have seen a phenomenal result in my skin, hair and nails, and has actually helped get me back to my love of running as my knees and hips no longer ache, my recovery post-exercise is so much quicker’
This is the only supplement that helped to strengthen my hair after an extended period of weakening and falling out
‘…After a couple of weeks I began feeling my skin tightening and feeling much firmer, this encouraged me to keep on taking my one day sachet drink, and I’m glad I did. My wrinkles are noticeably reduced and my skin feels so much more energetic. It truly does feel like a concentred product with mainly the core ingredients the product needs’
My wife has been taking Vita Collagen Complex for a month and her rosacea has improved in this short time.

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The products

Exceptional Ingredients.
Science Driven. Proven Results.

Exceptional Ingredients. Science Driven. Proven Results.

3 high content collagen hero products for incredible skin, hair, nails and vitality

For skin vitality

2 incredible supplements to increase energy, optimise performance, enhance mood, increase mental clarity and memory

For optimum energy

3 incredibly powerful joint heroes that contain highly effective ingredients in the treatment of arthritis and joint pain

For joint health & pain relief

6 incredible supplements tailored to provide the most potent ingredients vital for body and mind

For eye health, body & mind

The ingredients

Explore the powerful components that play a pivotal role in supporting your overall well-being

The insights

From nutrition tips to mindfulness practices, fitness routines to mental well-being strategies, we explore the pathways to a life filled with vitality. 

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